Then we take Berlin

You may ask yourself, “What is a nice young man from the prairies doing working for a swanky salon and spa in Berlin?”

Then again, you may ask yourself, “How do I work this?” Or, “Where is that large automobile?” I don’t know and I guess it’s none of my business what folks go about asking themselves…

Photography: Aveda




The schönBERLIN logo.

Built to be extensible to adapt as they open schönMADRID or schönEDINBURGH or schönHALIFAX, for example.

The online face of schönBERLIN comes together with the inestimable assistance of Nigel Wakelen of Online Graphics in Germany.

Go there




Should you find yourself in Berlin some evening, and eager for a bit of glanzbehandlung, look for this lovely beacon. It will guide you to the most capable glanzbehandlungers in the city.



Not my photo. Or my desk. Or my wall.

But is sure is my logo built into that wall over the desk that someone took a photo of.



Little round boxes, oh how I love you…

Doing math in metric to get them made, not so much…


In store

There are many ways to find out things at the salon, should you wish to know what a haarschnitte is going to run you, or perhaps you were wondering what the retail would be on a spot of umformung.